
Building a new relationship after my wife's death.

My wife died on April 1st, 2004 and I am trying to learn what that means to me and to my life. What do I need to learn and what do I need to do? - After 18 months I have met a woman and we are dating. This is a new phase for me. - I have remarried and my life is very good again:-)

Monday, June 07, 2004

I had a great weekend with Marissa. Picked her up Friday afternoon and we were busy until yesterday when I met Deanna to take her home. On the way home we stopped to buy her a bedside stand to go with her new bed and bed covers. Took her swimming Friday afternoon then barbecued steaks for dinner. Up early, went hiking in Quick Silver Park, we both took a lot of photographs and had a great time. Later went to an "Art Fest" at the Triton museum in Santa Clara. She was very interested in the artists and the art, it was a lot of fun. I bought a print for Deanna and Rich for a gift and ceramic fish for Scott. I have to figure out how to remember that I have them when gift occasions rise. Then Saturday evening it was dinner downtown that the symphony. Marissa was so grown up. She really like the concert and we had a great time. Yesterday she attended Adult Bible Class with me. She even volunteered to read on passage and she did a good job. She is great.

Marissa is great, Thirteen going on twenty five! Being with her I couldn't help thinking how much Jo Lynn would have loved having her for this visit. How much Jo loved the symphony and how different life is without her. My feelings of missing her were very strong again and don't seem to be ebbing very much.

Deanna had finished the baby blanket that Jo had been working on while she was in the hospital. She attached it to a flannel sheet to make it the correct size. I looks very nice and she gave it to me when I met her yesterday. Jo had intended the blanket for her friend Bunny so I took it to her last night. She was very pleased to have it and I was happy that Deanna took the time and effort to finish it.

I don't really know how Deanna is doing in getting through her morning for her Mother. She seems to be doing well and is still focused on taking care of me and her kids. But I can't tell if she is really OK or just forcing herself to feel ok?

I will have a busy week this week with lots of projects moving along and getting started at work. Jake and Jill leave on Wednesday for WDC coming home on Tuesday the 15th. I have committed to calling Doug and Marion this week for a walk, on Tuesday I will be playing golf with Pat. And on Saturday I will either have dinner with Rob and Lois or go to SF for the gallery opening of Sandeep's Mother, I will need to check with Lois to see if they are still planning on dinner.

I'll close now and get some work started....

posted by Walt  # 6:02 AM
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