
Building a new relationship after my wife's death.

My wife died on April 1st, 2004 and I am trying to learn what that means to me and to my life. What do I need to learn and what do I need to do? - After 18 months I have met a woman and we are dating. This is a new phase for me. - I have remarried and my life is very good again:-)

Wednesday, July 07, 2004

I have not been able to shake the loneliness this week. I am busy but still the feeling of being alone is always bearing on me. Not sure why, maybe seeing the AA group on Sunday or perhaps it's just a normal relapse, not caused by anything other than being alone.

I am nearly ready for "the wall". That is the photo display at the PhotoSig I am a member of. I have enough pictures printed I still need to frame two. For one of those I am waiting on the store to deliver one more 16 X 20 frame. I will take them all to Roger's house on Saturday so that he can hang them on "the Wall". I am generally pleased with the photos, but I have learned a lot about processing and printing them and. Of course I bought the new photo printer and learning that has been interesting and not problem free:-) Anyway I am ready ahead of schedule.

Spoke to my mother last night. She seemed fine at the start of the call but then she forgot that my step sisters were soon to visit them, she forgot a lot of other stuff too. She seemed to get upset when it turned out she was forgetting those things. I must be terrible to be in her mind now. She must be very frightened when she realizes that she forgets so many important things. I feel very sorry for her.

After that I called my sister and we talked again about Mom. Not much we can really do for her or more importantly for Joe (my step father). Ruthie has helped them with the doctors and the medications but she can't be there all the time of course. I don't do much of anything for them, I am afraid.

I did visit the cemetery on Monday. Not much to report about that, it didn't make me miss Jo Lynn more or less. I think about her and miss her without that stimulus. The cause my current blues maybe the photos I have been going through. I did print some of her with the kids and one of she and I. I don't know...

While I type this I am running a back up routine for my email. I have four more minutes left then I will get back to work.

posted by Walt  # 6:30 AM
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