
Building a new relationship after my wife's death.

My wife died on April 1st, 2004 and I am trying to learn what that means to me and to my life. What do I need to learn and what do I need to do? - After 18 months I have met a woman and we are dating. This is a new phase for me. - I have remarried and my life is very good again:-)

Wednesday, July 21, 2004

This is the third day of my trip / vacation.  All going well so far.  The drive has been restful and beautiful.  I have over 300 pictures so far, many dupes but some seem good.  Taking many in raw mode and the software to process them is not on my notebook so I can only view them for now.

The first night in Mendocino, I happened on a concert by the Kronos Quartet.  They as good as their reputation.  Some of the music was a little to modern for me but I liked most of it.  Just lucky that I saw the Music Festival tent and could still get a seat.

It seems so strange taking a trip like this without Jo to share it with me.  I visited many places in Mendocino and vicinity that she and I have done together in years past.  Some good times.  I was nostalgic but not too sad, really.  Made me lonesome I think it the best way to describe it. I thought about my situation quite a bit, I think I am getting past the grief.  I still miss here and feel strange alone.  I need someone to talk to and share my thoughts with.  Deanna does her best but it is pretty hard for her and it doesn't quite work.

Deanna and the kids visited my mother and found her very ill.  nauseated and with bad headaches.  She was quite concerned.  She is on to Bois today visiting Trish.

Mom went to the doctor today and Joe told me the following.  The trouble with nausea and headaches were due to the Alzheimer's meds.  Stop them for a week and see, then do a different drug.  Mom's MRI apparently revealed some brain damage (the type is unclear from Joe).  The doc recommends that mom try reading, puzzles, and (most important) keep a journal for significant things that happen.  Visits, calls, appointments, etc.  He thinks this will help slow the advance of the disease.  I don't know if she will try any of this or not.  Joe is working hard to get himself free to go the wedding and if he does I will take him back on Sunday afternoon.  He would only need to leave her two nights that way.  He would ride to Seattle with Susan and Lori,

I am worried about Joe and Mom.  Not much I can do but support them (that means support Joe) I think.  Ruth has talked to Merle and Susan about it and they are understanding too.

I will close for now.  I am sending all my pics to my private drive at WN for backup and that will keep the computer going all night I think.

posted by Walt  # 8:56 PM
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