
Building a new relationship after my wife's death.

My wife died on April 1st, 2004 and I am trying to learn what that means to me and to my life. What do I need to learn and what do I need to do? - After 18 months I have met a woman and we are dating. This is a new phase for me. - I have remarried and my life is very good again:-)

Monday, August 16, 2004

Well my vacation is over. And I haven't posted for weeks. The rest of the vacation was great. Saw my sister and others family. Had a good time. Met my sister's new step children and liked them a lot. Saw my mother and now I worry about her more and feel the need to support her and Joe a bit more than I do.

Got home and went camping with my kids and g-kids. It was hot, dusty, windy, and the boat broke down!

Then I had each of the older g-kids at my house for a week each. Loved that but the last day was Friday and I am glad to be back on my own. This past weekend I visited Jake and his family in San Diego, also had a good time there.

During the last several weeks I think my coping is improving but I still experience these waves of loss and sadness. They sweep over me almost with out warning and take from a few minutes to a few hours to dissipate. For example in church two weeks ago with Scott, he was very sad and I realized that he missed G-ma. It made me very sad too. Another day I asked him if he wanted to visit the cemetery; No he said, it would just make me sadder still. I know how he feels.

I'll close for now.


Things seemed a little more normal last night. After 2 weeks of vacation and 2 weeks of grandkids it seems good to be back to normal. I missed not being able to come into the office early (I was taking the g'kids to the church of bible school at 8:30 before work). I have a lot to do at home and I hope to get some time to clean up the office either Wed night or on Saturday. It is messy and cluttered with the new printer.

This Friday I will go to a Giants game in SF with Deanna and family to celebrate birthdays. Looking forward to that, I hope it isn't too cold. Last year we froze our butts off:-)

I am at the office and I have time to write here while I am backing up my email files. I can do the backup because our email is down for some reason. Very annoying.

I am trying to decide if I should begin to call some women friends that I have known over the years who might still be single or know women who are. I think about it and decide to do it but then I never act on that decision...I don't know exactly what the timing should be for such moves?

Marion Wells called yesterday, I will call her back and see if I can get together with her and Doug for supper. Also need to hook up with Rob and Lois, and perhaps Linda & Bunny. Oh well. (These are all Jo Lynn's friends not candidates).

Tonight is Men's club at church so I will have a good meal today.

I have kept up my running and been fairly good about eating since Jo died. I haven't gained any weight, still 184 this morning. And I consistently run 12 to 15 miles each week (4.7 miles last night).

posted by Walt  # 2:52 PM
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