
Building a new relationship after my wife's death.

My wife died on April 1st, 2004 and I am trying to learn what that means to me and to my life. What do I need to learn and what do I need to do? - After 18 months I have met a woman and we are dating. This is a new phase for me. - I have remarried and my life is very good again:-)

Friday, September 03, 2004

At last another week is past. There were a couple of difficult periods but for the most part I am getting along ok. For some reason I have been sleeping poorly and waking often during the night. Sometimes I can fall right back asleep other times though my mind leaps to my loneliness or my sadness and I begin to miss Jo Lynn. It is then that I have much difficulty sleeping again. I read, watch TV, count backward, stare at the stars out of window, or just lay there being disgusted with my self. I think this will pass it has been several weeks since this happened the last time so I expect it to pass soon.

This is the Labor Day weekend and I will drive to Placerville in the morning to watch Scott's football game. I will come back home after lunch. I had planned to spend the three days with Deanna and family helping get their deck started. They had to call off the deck so I decided to cut my visit short since I was there last weekend too. I will do some chores and run errands. Sunday afternoon Roger will come over for a barbecue. I have a lot more old photographs I want to go through.

I have found some great shots of Jo with the grand kids and Jo with Deanna. Fewer good ones of Jo and I and none so far of her with Jake (son). I hope to find some not to old ones in the last few years of 35 mm pics that I don't have online. I intend to tell the Jake and Rich that they need to be sure that they get into the good photos too. I wish we had more with the males. I intend to take most of these pictures I am finding and put them into nice album to keep them nice and available but not out sitting on the mantle and tables as they are now. I think I have too many photos of Jo around right now. It will be better if they are slightly less prominent everywhere, still available but in the album.

I still miss my wife every day, very often but the pangs pass more quickly now. I still feel very emotional when I read a story about death of family or loved ones. Tears come easily, more than they did before, this week I talked to two friends who had escaped from Vietnam on boats the stories were like others; difficult times, some of their friends died, they were robbed etc.. I always admire the strength they had (have) but this time I couldn't hold back the tears. I am not sure why I wrote this but.....I did.

I'll close for now. Going to watch some news on Public TV, bring in the garbage cans, and just go on with life. Nothing else to do.

posted by Walt  # 7:27 PM
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