
Building a new relationship after my wife's death.

My wife died on April 1st, 2004 and I am trying to learn what that means to me and to my life. What do I need to learn and what do I need to do? - After 18 months I have met a woman and we are dating. This is a new phase for me. - I have remarried and my life is very good again:-)

Monday, October 11, 2004

Yesterday, Sunday, was difficult. Deanna and the kids came Saturday afternoon and left early yesterday morning. We all had a nice dinner and Deanna and I enjoyed the symphony. After they left at 7:30 AM it was lonely.

I missed Jo Lynn so much during church. I have been traveling so much that I missed the last three weeks. I was in other churches those Sundays and other churches don’t cause the same emotions that SOTV does. When I see the altar with the statue I think about how much she loved it there. I recall the trip we made to Italy and our visit to the sculptor who carved the statue. How she described to him how she felt about the image and how it moved her, she brought tears to the eyes of all of us that were there. The sculptor was very moved and told her that her reaction was exactly what he was thinking when he made the piece. I am rambling!

Tomorrow her friends Bunny and Linda are coming to see me. Bunny’s baby was born shortly after Jo died. Jo was working on a blanket for the baby but didn’t finish it. Once the drugs kicked in during the chemo she couldn’t crochet any more so the blanket didn’t complete. Deanna took it home and worked very hard to finish it and we gave it to Bunny. When the baby was born, it was a girl and Bunny named the baby Kayla Jo Lynn! So they are coming to show me the baby and Bunny wants a picture of Jo to put up in the baby’s room. Yesterday I collected the best pictures from the last two years (of Jo) made shortcuts to them and printed several so that Bunny can choose the one that works for what she wants. Going through so many pictures from holidays, birthdays, and just outings and trips was nice but also pretty hard.

I have made many pictures of Jo and have them around the house. I sometimes wonder if doing this unhealthy? I like the images and I enjoy the task of preparing them in PhotoShop along with the printing and framing. I worry that I may be a little obsesses though! Probably not.

I do look forward to seeing Linda and Bunny. They plan to visit Jo’s grave in November, on Jo’s AA birthday along with the other “chicks” and they have asked if I want to join them. I have not yet decided. The “chicks” is the name of a women’s group that she attended and loved for many years.

posted by Walt  # 6:33 AM
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