
Building a new relationship after my wife's death.

My wife died on April 1st, 2004 and I am trying to learn what that means to me and to my life. What do I need to learn and what do I need to do? - After 18 months I have met a woman and we are dating. This is a new phase for me. - I have remarried and my life is very good again:-)

Monday, January 10, 2005

I am pretty much through the holidays now and I was surprised how well that experience went. The plan was to stay busy and active the entire time and that seemed to work. I managed three days of skiing, Christmas at Deanna’s, then Jake, Jill, and Max with Deanna and the kids part of the time at my house; Then off to Seattle for new years with my sister and brother-in-law. All great.

I got through the gifts and celebrations with out much difficulty. It was very emotional during the Christmas Eve service at Deanna’s church. Scott and Marissa were singing in the choir and Deanna played her flute. I recalled how much Jo Lynn loved them all playing in church and Christmas Eve services were among her favorites.

Some of our family traditions are changing, because Jo Lynn is not here to do them anymore, this is, as you would expect, I think. I put up an artificial tree and did minimal decorating at home. I did not put up the hand-embroidered stockings that Jo had made for everyone; in fact I gave both kids the stockings for their families. I don’t imagine we will ever have the big deal stocking stuffers anymore because Jo really did most of that.

I had a wonderful time with Ruth and Rich over New Years. We hiked, walked through galleries in down town Seattle and had Rich’s boys and their families for a quite and early New Years Eve. They are all wonderful people. Will and Lizette brought Lizette’s dad and his friend; also very interesting people. I really enjoy Ruth and Rich very very much. The only problem was that Brian and Amy couldn’t be with us and worse Brian called Ruthie to tell her that Amy hand miscarried the baby that was due in the summer. Ruthie was very affected by that very sad news.

When I got home on the first of January, I decided that the weather was too iffy for quick ski trip so I spent the two and one-half days getting the wall ready for the Photo-Sig meeting on the 14th. I painted the wall, stained the French doors, put up the new hanging systems, and added halogen lights for the walls. Looks pretty good if I don’t say so myself!

Then it was back to work. Very busy and lots of pressure but the (almost) two weeks I was off seemed long enough and very relaxing.

This past weekend was a bit more difficult. I was pretty busy but things were slower and I had some time to think about things. I am lonesome and that is difficult. I don’t really know just how to fight the loneness. As in the past it sneaks up on me and just holds me for a time. This time it was not as bad as some of the past times so maybe I am getting past it. I hope so.

posted by Walt  # 7:44 AM
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