
Building a new relationship after my wife's death.

My wife died on April 1st, 2004 and I am trying to learn what that means to me and to my life. What do I need to learn and what do I need to do? - After 18 months I have met a woman and we are dating. This is a new phase for me. - I have remarried and my life is very good again:-)

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

I have been so busy the recently with work and other things that I don’t have time for much. We are starting several new product projects and work and that is keeping me very busy and is even keeping from sleeping well some nights. This doesn’t often happen to be but it is now!

Other than work, Sunday afternoon Richard, Mary, and Roger were over to build a table for RAM’s apartment, last night Roger and Richard came over to finish the table. It was fun to do some word working again but now the garage is set up as a shop and it’s a mess. I won’t get to clean it up until Sunday, I imagine. When I clean up I hope to be able to reorganize a little at the same time.

Tonight (Tuesday) I have men’s club for dinner. Wednesday is the Soup Supper and Lenten Service. Thursday I am planning to attend a “singles group” set up by Thrivent (a Lutheran insurance company) the event is to be held at a Winery. I am not sure how I feel about going to this but it seemed the logical thing to do. I wonder if there will many folks in my age bracket there? Oh well. Then Friday night is PhotoSig and Saturday the PhotoSig trip to SFMOMA to look at a photography exhibit there.

I don’t work at staying so busy it just seems to happen! It’s OK but I could do with a little less I (sometimes) think.

The first year anniversary of Jo Lynn’s death on April 1 is pretty well set now. Jake will come Thursday (March 31) evening. He and I will play golf on Friday morning and then go to Giant’s/A’s game in the evening. Deanna and family will arrive late Friday. On Saturday morning we will go for nice breakfast and then all go the cemetery together. Jake flies out on Saturday afternoon and Deanna and the kids will stay until after church on Sunday. I am looking forward to having them all here even though the motivation is so sad.

For some reason I was swept by another wave of memories and feelings this morning about Jo Lynn, I have no idea why. Yesterday I gave her ski clothes to Amy at WhereNet. Last week I learned that she and her family are infrequent skiers and since Amy is petite I offered to bring the ski outfits. She was pleased to have them and I am happy that someone uses them. The only thing left are her almost new ski boots. Maybe I’ll sell them on Ebay!

I’ll signoff for now.

posted by Walt  # 7:20 AM
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