
Building a new relationship after my wife's death.

My wife died on April 1st, 2004 and I am trying to learn what that means to me and to my life. What do I need to learn and what do I need to do? - After 18 months I have met a woman and we are dating. This is a new phase for me. - I have remarried and my life is very good again:-)

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Last week was not as difficult as I feared but perhaps was more thoughtful. It was good that we all went to the grave together. I think Scott was the most affected and the one who experienced the most sadness. His reaction was obvious while we were there but even that seemed pass fairly soon after we left. We had lunch at a cheese steak restaurant that the kids like so that helped us all get past the experience.

More to the point for, me is a different phenomenon that I set myself up for. I somehow anticipated that the one-year anniversary would be the date when things changed. It isn’t. Nor is it rational to expect that anything would change on that day either more or less than any other day. In fact, I seem to be thinking about Jo more often than I did earlier. Perhaps because of the focus on the anniversary, and because of the publicity associated with the Terry Schiavo feeding tube issue. No matter the cause, it is still true that the loneliness, and my lack of understanding are often foremost in my thoughts. I have thoughts often that it is so strange that I would be alone without Jo Lynn. I just never ever thought that this would be the case. Even though she was in grave danger from the cancer and we knew from the beginning that the survival rate from esophageal cancer is only 15% to 25%. We talked about her death but I never thought (or understood) that I would be unprepared for the day-to-day consequences of living alone and of missing her all the time.
It seems like I should have more to say but for now nothing seems to come to me.

posted by Walt  # 9:41 AM
I just lost my wife after 48 years of marriage. She died of liver cancer on March 11 at home with myself and my oldest son present. She was not in pain but very weak for months. On the last day she slipped into a coma (sleep) and a few hours later stopped breathing.
Please keep your log going as long as you can, I am sure it will give strength to others. I myself find the things you say and feel are almost exactly what I am experiencing.
Phil Kiernan

I am sorry for the loss of your wife. I am can recall the weeks soon after Jo Lynn died and how difficult they were for me and for my children. Today, after one year, things are easier for me but I still deal with the loss every day.

I will probably keep the blog going for while longer. I started it and I maintain it as a way for me to deal with my life. When I started it I was of course aware that others might read it but my primary purpose was and remains to use it as an outlet for feelings that have but can’t express in other ways.

Let me know if there is anything I can do to help you.

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