
Building a new relationship after my wife's death.

My wife died on April 1st, 2004 and I am trying to learn what that means to me and to my life. What do I need to learn and what do I need to do? - After 18 months I have met a woman and we are dating. This is a new phase for me. - I have remarried and my life is very good again:-)

Monday, April 25, 2005

Still another week has passed, and nothing particularly new to report. Yesterday at church two people asked how I was doing and I could truthfully report that for the most part I was doing well. I told Ray and Dottie how it feels when I am lonesome and that was biggest thing now. (I have described this lonesomeness here before). And Dee wanted to know “who was the woman I saw you with recently at church? Is she just a friend?” she asked. It took a minute to recall but she was asking about Ruth, my sister!

She told me that she had a friend she wanted to hook me up with when I was ready. I told her I didn’t know when that might be. I am not sure what she intends to do, if anything.

Yesterday was Jake & Jill’s anniversary. I didn’t forget but my reminder was not set to alert me until yesterday. So I sent an electronic card and called them. We also talked about the deck material that they plan to use around the spa and how it works.

Yesterday I also bought a shadow box and cloth. I got it ready to add the dress that both Deanna and Marissa were baptized in. It will look pretty good and Deanna is excited about getting it. It felt good to get it done.

I am still swamped at work and I need to be in Long Beach tomorrow on the drayman tag and to visit Trapac, and maybe Pier A. I am not looking forward to another day out of the office.

posted by Walt  # 8:03 AM
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