
Building a new relationship after my wife's death.

My wife died on April 1st, 2004 and I am trying to learn what that means to me and to my life. What do I need to learn and what do I need to do? - After 18 months I have met a woman and we are dating. This is a new phase for me. - I have remarried and my life is very good again:-)

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Joyce and I continue to happily move forward.

Last Friday we went to a musical, Little Women. We went to dinner on Thursday, last week and then to the play on Friday. Before the play we stopped by Richard and Mary’s so that Joyce could see “the Wall” and my photos, and so that I could show Joyce off to Mary and Richard. We had a nice visit and I ask Richard to take a photo of us before we left. The photo is great of Joyce, not so great of me!

We had great dinner and the play was good. I stayed with her for an hour or so but I had to go home because I had an early flight to San Diego. I realized that I could have packed everything the night before, taken it with me and spent the night but my idea was a day late. Joyce left on Saturday, afternoon to visit her friends in Colorado, she will be back Wednesday, night. I will pick her up at the airport.

We have talked by phone everyday (twice most days) and we agree that we miss one another. The weekend upcoming we will have time to spend together. I pick her up on Wed; we have dinner on Thursday, with her kids, dinner Friday with Alisa and Jim, the symphony and dinner on Saturday, and the Forty-niners’ game on Sunday. I am looking forward to spending some blocks of time with her (she has said the same thing). The weekend after that I will be in Albion trying to deal with my Mother. YUK…

While I am very happy with the way our relationship is going and I enjoy being with Joyce every time I see her I still worry about it because I feel somewhat out of control. I have no trouble with my decision to go with it but I stall out when I consider what that means in future. Do we want to date regularly – move in together – marry???? Not sure how we could make that decision. For the present and the near term though I hope to just stay on the rails as we grow closer and let our relationship deepen. And that is what is happening; happening quickly. I have accelerated it by asking her to visit my sister with me for New Years, and she has accelerated it too by inviting her mom for Christmas and having me as part of her Thanksgiving celebrations. It’s all good, and it is also frightening.

All that said. We were out Friday night and I we won’t see each other again until late tomorrow night. I do miss her and when we talk on the phone it boosts me up big time. It makes me feel good when she tells me how she feels. This morning she said she “crazy about me”, what an ego boost! We closed by saying “I love you” to each other (I was first). Bottom line, I am happy and I think Joyce is just about the perfect match for me but my conservative nature is a little worriedJ.

posted by Walt  # 3:13 PM
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