
Building a new relationship after my wife's death.

My wife died on April 1st, 2004 and I am trying to learn what that means to me and to my life. What do I need to learn and what do I need to do? - After 18 months I have met a woman and we are dating. This is a new phase for me. - I have remarried and my life is very good again:-)

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

The relationship.

Joyce and I had such a great dinner last Wednesday that I defiantly wanted to see her again. As I wrote last Friday morning it was dodgy due to schedules and I thought that was probably ok. However, later on Friday morning she called but she missed my call back, I was busy and it took a while to call her back because I was very busy that morning. I finally listened to her message and learned that she was on her way to Tahoe and she was inviting me to stop by her house on Sunday after I dropped the kids off at the airport. Her call and invitation made me feel good.

I called her back (and after another set of cell phone collisions) we spoke. I accepted her invitation for Sunday evening. I felt great all day as result of her call. So odd!

I had a great time with Jake and Max. On Saturday, we went geo-caching in the Quick Silver Park we found four caches and had great time. Max enjoyed running around on the trails. Even having his arm in a cast didn’t seem to slow him down much. [He gets his cast of today, I think]. On Sunday, we went to Scott’s football game in San Andreas. His team lost badly but Scott played a little on defense and he did well, being part of three tackles. It was the best I had seen him play.

Saturday night had been Marissa’s Home Coming dance and her first date. She had been so excited about it but when I asked her about it her response was ambivalent [Joyce just called to say hi – so nice] at best. She said, “the dance was fun but later he [her date] got weird!” I didn’t ask her what that meant but that night on the phone Deanna told me that the problem was her date some of his football player friends were talking about a kegger and that upset Marissa so she called her folks and asked to be picked up! Deanna thinks that perhaps the problem was partly that Marissa was less ready for dating than she thought she was. Apparently she was bothered by the fact that her friends bored him and she didn’t like his friends so they didn’t know who to hang out with. Anyway it was less than she expected.

After the football game we ate dinner together but it was quick because Jake, Max and I had to rush to the Airport. I dropped them off just less than one hour before their flight so our timing had worked out fine. I was also in a hurry because I was eager to see Joyce so I took off quickly. A few minutes later Jake called to say that the plane was delayed an hour so our rush was unnecessary! It was to bad that they were stuck at the airport for two hours but I was secretly happy that we hadn’t known about the delay because I wanted to see Joyce and I would not have been so happy about hanging with Max and Jake for another hour.

When I got to Joyce’s house she was reading and we started talking again. It was like the other times the words just flow she was interesting and I said more than I usually do. I told her about many things in my life and my past. It is just so easy with her; at least it is easy when I am with her. After some time talking I took her hand then soon I leaned in to give her a kiss! But this time the kiss was not a short on but a long French kiss! It was so nice! Joyce said; “I wondered when you were going to kiss me!” I didn’t tell her that I thought we were kissing before! [I feel like I am in a movie that I have seen before but can’t quite recall the details]. Anyway we kissed and talked for two or three hours. She made it clear to me that she is very interested in a relationship with me and I of course feel the same way about her. She even invited me to stay the night but I declined…why, I don’t really know but I did.

We talked about the coming week, we are both busy and she will be in Southern CA on the weekend so we made a dinner date at her house for Thursday. We kissed, necked really, a lot and she felt so good in my arms. She asked me; “if you haven’t dated at all how do you know that you want to date me and not other people”. I didn’t answer very well because although I had thought about it I couldn’t articulate my feelings very well. She, as always, answered the same question very easily by saying she “just knew it from the first time she met me”. My answer could have been the same but I couldn’t figure out how to say it!

So I went home and we talked by phone on Monday night, she had left me a very nice message and we talked just before she left for Monterey to visit her friend for golf. Then she called again just a few minutes ago (at 6:55 AM) just to say that she was thinking of me. I have to say that she is very thoughtful and is willing to put effort into making a relationship with me. I hope that I can be as good at it as she is.

I am still troubled by the rate at which this seems to be advancing. Faster by far than I had expected. Perhaps going faster and deeper than I had even planned. I think about that sometimes but when I think about her or talk to her I never think about slowing down. We have even talked of events three months out and she has said she thinks about me being with her at weddings and functions.

I feel flattered and excited; scared and worried too but bottom line I have found a woman that is interested in me and I am very interested in her and we have fun together. I don’t think it could be much better at this point.

posted by Walt  # 7:37 AM
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