
Building a new relationship after my wife's death.

My wife died on April 1st, 2004 and I am trying to learn what that means to me and to my life. What do I need to learn and what do I need to do? - After 18 months I have met a woman and we are dating. This is a new phase for me. - I have remarried and my life is very good again:-)

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Things continue to move forward:

Joyce and I spent a lot of time together last week and weekend. On Thursday we had dinner with her boys (as I said last blog). Then Friday we had dinner with Jim, Alisa, and Ben. We had a lot of fun playing with Ben and visiting with Jim and Alisa.

Then we spent Friday night together but didn’t sleep much. Saturday morning, we lay together and just talked. It was easy to do and while we both see ourselves together for the long term I am not sure that we see it exactly the same way. She sees us married sooner than I do, I think. My impression is that she would like to live together soon, like any time. I on the other hand, have the same long-term goals but I guess my idea of marriage would be out a few years (I don’t know why) and living together would also be out a ways. It is not contentious at this point but I am a little concerned that it might be in future. But for now we are happy when can be together and I miss her when she is away.

We spent the rest of Saturday running errands mostly for Joyce’s condo refurbishment project and then dinner and the Symphony. We had a great time but we were so tired that the symphony was difficult. Later we fell asleep and she laughed at me because I apparently dozed off during a kiss! She told me; “I thought this guy is really tired”! This is an example of how kind and understanding she is. There was not a hint of disappointment of irritation, just good-natured ribbing from her. This is another illustration of why I so attracted to Joyce.

Then on Sunday we lay in bed until 9:00 AM or so again just talking and loving until we got up so we could go to the Forty-Niners game. At the stadium we met some old friends of mine. Romano and I have known one another since I first moved to California in 1965 and we have worked together of and on and socialized for much of that period. One of the other fellows Mike worked with Romano and I for part of the time. I was so proud to introduce Joyce to them; of course she and Romano had to talk about being Italian! Romano and Mike couldn’t wait to tell some stories about some of our hi-jinks when we worked together. It was fun and we laughed a lot. Romano observed that he hadn’t seen me laugh like that in a long time; He was right, being there with Joyce and my old friends made me happier than I have been for many years.

To put the cap on the weekend the 9’ers won the game and the weather was outstanding. Joyce and agreed that spending the weekend together was a lot of fun and we felt even closer than we had before. Monday morning Romano called to tell me that he thought Joyce was great; that he thought my life would be easier now. I appreciated his call.

Joyce left Monday to visit her friend in Pebble Beach for golf and wallpapering. She will be home this afternoon and I will go by for dinner. I have taken her suggestion and put together a bag of toiletries that I will leave at her house. To me, that suggests a commitment that I could not have imagined making just a few weeks ago. It feels good and I hope and pray that it continues to work.

posted by Walt  # 8:06 AM
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