
Building a new relationship after my wife's death.

My wife died on April 1st, 2004 and I am trying to learn what that means to me and to my life. What do I need to learn and what do I need to do? - After 18 months I have met a woman and we are dating. This is a new phase for me. - I have remarried and my life is very good again:-)

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Now that the holidays are over I hope to settle into a calmer period. The travels and company over Christmas and New Years were fun but also over busy. I spent Christmas at Jake’s with Deanna and crew. It was fun; the first time in at least five years that we had all been together at Christmas.

On Saturday, morning, right after I got there I called them all together and told them that Joyce and I planned to marry on August. Both kids were supportive but for Deanna it made her miss Jo Lynn and Jake was only worried that he would see less of me! They both want me to be happy.

I returned home on Monday morning to meet Joyce’s mom. Charlie, Stephanie, and Paige were there too. We had a great visit. Vicky and I got along well and I liked her very much. (I think she approved of me.) I got some nice shirts and gifts there too; I was surprised by the gifts. I was sorry that I had made the decision to travel over xmas as it meant Joyce and I were apart. We spoke often by phone and I missed her very much, I promised her that we would not spend another Christmas apart. [I looked at my reservation and I had made the plans on November 8; I guess that just before I understood where our relationship was headed.]

After I got back from San Diego, we spent the week together and I worked short days. Joyce nursed me when I was sick for one night and she and I both had colds and coughs. We left Friday for Seattle and when we arrived we drove to Bellingham to visit Brian’s new workshop. It was fun and Joyce and Ruth got along very well. The bad news: Joyce woke up in the middle of the night with a high fever! She was sick both Saturday, and Sunday.

Joyce was so sick with high fever that she stayed in bed and slept most of the time. It was a difficult for her flying home Sunday night but she is very strong and made it all the way, even walking to my car at my office.

On Monday, she made an appointment with a Doc at Kaiser. He found she had pneumonia and gave her some antibiotic. She has been pretty sick since then although she rallies from time to time. She felt better this morning but her cough seems to just hang on and makes her very uncomfortable. She plans to cancel her golf lessons on Saturday and other events this week. She wants to keep the Shark tickets for Saturday night…we’ll have to see.

The wedding plans have grown very complicated. First the house, too many people; then the park, too many people and no music; then a block party, too much trouble. Now Marilyn is going to help us and it looks like it will grow to a commercial venue! I think that is better so that we don’t have to do the details. She thinks the guest list will be about 175! I am not sure but I think it could go above that even!

We continue to feel good about the marriage, we will have things to work out but we both have confidence that we can work them out together. And the strength of our relationship is continuing to grow, as our love seems to deepen with each passing day. [Sounds sappy I know.]

posted by Walt  # 8:16 AM
Thanks for looking at my blog.

I posted this on your blog....

Your book project sounds like a good idea. I tried to find books to help me deal with my wife's death but only found one that was helpful.

I don't think I can contribute directly to your book. As you noted in your comment I am moving beyond my grief (at last) and my focus has shifted away from the past and to the future. Not that I have forgotten my wife but the pain is gone and has been replaced by memories, and the recognition that her legacy lives on in our kids and in my life.

So while I won’t write the letter for your book feel free to quote from my blog, if you like. Please just notify me first.

Good luck with your project.

Not sure how wise but you are welcome to use the sentence in the way you suggest.

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